
The competitive global retail market is not an easy field to play. In times of globalization, the market is flooded by new products and new brands and without the necessary retail market expertise the placement of a new product or the evaluation of finding the appropriate product for your individual demands can become a highly demanding task. That is why nowadays for sellers, it is more than vital to have an optimized production to ensure your product has an outstanding and unique design to distinguish itself from competitors.. Also as a buyer, it is of great importance to have an expertized partner with the necessary know-how to enable sustainability of supply chain process in the wide range of globally acting suppliers.

Nestro Management GmbH is an expert in retail business from both sides and able to assist you in the economical optimization and product enhancement or in finding the right product to widen your product range and increase your quality standards. Our team of experienced professionals will help you in improving business and production procedures in the most efficient way to ensure leaner processes, high standards of production and the most favorable financial outcome for your business. Also in the field of product design and product placement, organization of supply chain processes and in- store merchandising, we can offer you useful strategies of improvement to make your product outstanding or complete your product range to create a unique demand for it on the global retail market. With our market and economical expertise, your retail business will be in in the best hands.